27 July 2019

Watch The Fuse

Because there is one, and it has been lit.

That’s all that really happened on the 24th.

Now that unanimous, trans-partisan contempt is being heaped upon Robert Mueller’s “performance” in his recent testimony it is easy to miss that fact.

Because it’s such a little thing; and the heap of derision is such a big thing.

So donnie and his acolytes are all basking in the perceived warmth generated from that heap.

Even the legitimate press and the night-time commentators are universal in their scorn.

Even Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me in the daytime.

But the fuse that is now lit on the bundle of explosives that is the Mueller Report is wending its way bundle-ward.

Yogi always said “It aint over till it’s over”; Chris Christie said 'This Russia thing is far from over'.

Both Yogi and Chris describe the phenomenon of a very long fuse, once lit.

You aint felt warmth yet.

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