23 November 2021

"Conspirathon 2021"

 From The Daily Beast:

"Since former President Donald Trump decidedly lost the 2020 election, the MyPillow CEO has been on an unending crusade based on lies about widespread voter fraud. Lindell has continually promised that after his investigations prove his conspiracy theory, the election would be overturned and Trump would be reinstated. But his self-imposed deadlines have repeatedly come and gone, including a deadline for Trump to be reinstated by early August.

{PARAGRAPH DELETED - it enumerates various Lindell flailings non-relevant to the point of this post.}

"Lindell concluded his Monday evening live stream by promoting his 96-hour virtual “Thanks-a-Thon” event set to kick off Wednesday night at midnight and feature four straight days of even more election conspiracies."

Is this going to be like a Jerry Lewis telethon? I thought I heard someone say.

I guess Lindell will be better than the traditional Lions game.

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