15 September 2024

Synthetic Assassination Attempt Part Two

 Fucking Ridiculous: "They" tried to kill donnie again; and "they" didn't get him, again. This is reality TV at its worst.

Or the Keystone Kops have returned with a truth social contract.

This "hit in the ear" saga is so much like the Watergate Clowns that is impossible not to see the similarity.

14 September 2024


You heard it here first: donnie just said that "Mother Theresa was a man and also was Anthony Fauci's mother. And Haitians are eating every dog in North America and are opening violin stores featuring real cat gut strings. This is serious. We need to not support immigrants when they take away all those good American cat gut jobs. Also goose feathers."

That's what he has said so far.

13 September 2024

Q: The New 20s Model

Back in the teens a pristine purveyor of truth appeared upon the scene of our otherwise grey and listless lives.

His or her name was never known other than that the entity called itself Q.

Q's biggest revelation to the world - although there were many, and a greatest hit is hard to choose - has been to date "the pizza eatin' pedophiles".

The MAGA MORONS roared in hysterical approval.

Many of them became our Representatives in the House and members of the Senate based upon their endorsement of the truth of the pizza eatin' revelation..

As life has gone on for many or most of us, we have moved on to other myths, tales and Tik Toks to release us from the daily hum drum; Q has been pretty silent, passe even.

Now he has burst back on the scene like a superhero recently changed to work clothes in a phone booth and back on site and back on message.

Not only is "he" back - we now know his gender and identity; it's J. D. Vance peddling "dog and cat eating immigrants".

The MAGA MORONS are roaring in hysterical approval.

I can hardly wait to see who all rides the "pet eatin' Haitian" story to ever higher office.

11 September 2024

Just So Sad

 The Palestinian-American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh was shot in the head by the IDF on May 11, 2022, while covering a raid by the Israel Defense Forces at the Jenin refugee camp.

The University of Washington graduate and 26-year-old Seattle resident, Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi was shot in the head by the IDF on September 5, 2024, while attending a protest of the IDF's genocide of Palestinians.

The New York Times Magazine recently published an article by Ronen Bergman and Mark Mazzetti that delves into the rise of extremist Israeli settlers and their impact on Israeli politics. The article, titled “50 Years of Crime Without Punishment,” explores how a history of unpunished violence in the West Bank has allowed extremist settlers to gain significant political power, weakening Israel’s democracy.

The IDF said the Eygi bullet bounced up off the ground.

And hit her in the head.

Imagine that.

Jews used to write better fiction.

10 September 2024

donnie's debate with our next president

 Early on she was, I thought, losing; donnie sounded semi-rational and coherent and Kamala's points were bland "stuff".

As it went on, into the second half hour I could see a Kamala method emerging, and  that method seemed to might could be working.

She had been baiting donnie with "stuff", all the while waiting to pounce.

And she began to pounce, and donnie began to revert to type (rapist, con-man, criminal etc) and a lot of us breathed a sigh of relief.

But "we" are not the 80 or so million morons that like donnie the dildo. 

So, even though, as we closed the whole debacle out, to anyone with a brain, Kamala had clearly won, the problem is that there are 80 or 90 million of us out there who were born without brains.

And that movie hasn't been made by Disney, yet, 

So, good night, and good luck.



04 September 2024

The Inauguration Takes Shape

 trump's transition team is already planning inauguration day festivities and messaging.

The team has chosen a catchy name for itself - The Dildo Dons - and a logo, to be announced later.

With three exceptions those two alternate facts are all that have leaked.

Exception leak one: there has already been produced a video documenting a joyous inauguration crowd of 65 million, all wearing official donnie autographed red hats. The price of an autographed official MAGA hat can vary widely depending on the seller and the condition of the hat, but here are some examples of prices from recent listings: 

eBay: Prices range from around $150 to $2,500.

Trump Store: The standard unsigned MAGA hat is $50, but signed versions are often available through donations or special offers.

Using the mean price of $1325 trump's personal coffers are expected to swell by $86,125,000,000 from the sale of hats alone. 

(donnie always says that the US Presidency is the most valuable franchise in the world, to which he follows on "that and the schmucks in the House and the Senate").

Speaking of those schmucks, the "Kiss the Ring Ceremony" is expected to be another big revenue generator ("Kiss the Ring" is a new government function wherein the 435 House members and 100 Senators all show up annually - if they want to keep their seats, elections having been declared optional, once the annual "Kiss" has been effected, to be in "The Presence" and kiss the ring of "The Presence" ($1,000,000 times 535 = $535,000,000; not a bad  yearly take).

Exception leak two: Hulk Hogan has signed up to sing the Star Spangled Banner in duet with Roseann Barr.

Exception leak three: Kimberly Guilfoyle will shriek the Pledge of Allegiance.

01 September 2024

An Exceptional Bullwark

This is long - I almost didn't watch it, but I am really glad that I did - but the time goes surprisingly quickly.

It's an episode of The Bulwark, a daily offering published by Sarah Longwell, a constantly interviewed political analyst, focus group maven and conservative former republican.

The moderator of this episode is Tim Miller who was Communications Director in the Jeb Bush presidential campaign.

Tim's guest is Margaret Hoover, Moderator of PBS's Firing Line and great granddaughter of Herbert Hoover.

It's a whole new view of Margaret. 

Let's Talk Policy: Part Four

 donnie the dildo is pretty light on policy.

Always has been, apparently always will be.

So it's quite odd that when Jordan Klepper intersects with MAGA MORONS and asks them what they like most about donnie, they always say "we love his policies".

So, recently, I did a little write-up titled "Let's Talk Policy: Part One".

Then I did a "Part Two".

Then I did a "Part Three".

Here is "Part Four".

In Wisconsin recently the dildo gave one of his most well balanced and thought-out statements of economic policy.

"You take a look at bacon and some of these products. Some people don't eat bacon anymore. And we are going to get the energy prices down. When we get energy down — you know, this was caused by their horrible energy — wind, they want wind all over the place. But when it doesn't blow, we have a little problem."

The MAGA MORONS roared in hysterical approval.


During the Constitutional Convention of 1787 quite a bit of time and energy was spent on the nature of the Executive office of the United States.

Having only recently removed themselves from the tyranny of a monarch, all the delegates were exceptionally motivated to have the Executive function not be at the outset, and be unlikely to be able to ultimately evolve into, a king.

Due to the fear of turning themselves back over to a king, many of the delegates were in favor of a multi person Executive - two, or perhaps, three people.

Distribute Executive power so it can't be consolidated and abused easily, so they thought.

The discussions were many and went back and forth.

In the end a single Executive was chosen as the right form.

As President of the convention Washington chose not to not vote on the Convention's daily business or speak during the discussions and debates; he confined his influence on the proceedings to that which he wielded in the Virginia Delegation itself outside of the Convention's business.

In any event the Convention's proceedings were secret, so with Washinton not speaking or voting in the sessions, even the paltry leakage that exists of who thought what and what went on is absent in the case of George Washington.

Therefore, we know little about what he thought about the issues discussed.

A year later though, Washington made what I think is a prophetic observation. 

In a letter to Lafayette in April of 1788 Washington said: "There cannot, in my judgement, be the least danger that the President will by any practicable intrigue ever be able to continue himself one moment in office, much less perpetuate himself in it; but [in modern parlance substitute 'except' for 'but'] in the last stage of corrupted morals and political depravity; and even then there is as much danger that any other species of domination would prevail. Though, when a people have become incapable of governing themselves and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes".

The fact that seventy-four million Americans voted for trump in 2020, and even more appear to be ready to do so again seems to indicate that "the last stage of corrupted morals and political depravity" have arrived in America.

The MAGA MORONS roar in hysterical approval.