25 September 2024

Louis de Joy Again

 A major new installation of mail sorting hardware has been revealed by USPS.

Over the past year the Postal Service has installed in every Distribution Center PostCard Optimizer.

The device is a computer driven sorter designed to sense if an item is a specific sized postcard, sense the state, and put it in a bin designated for that state.

Each Center has had a major new warehouse added to store the bins for the various states and territories.

(Some say that the Service's current year precarious financial situation would actually be catastrophic if the "off the books black money" capital outlay that built those warehouses were known).

Since there are a lot of states and territories, there are a lot of bins - in some cases many, many for a state or territory, so the new warehouses are huge.

de Joy's vision is to maximize "certainty of delivery" and "optimum carrier efficiency" by isolating and holding year-sized batches of post cards for "optimum efficient delivery on the first business day of each new year".

Franz Kafka, Executive Director for Optimum Postal Service Efficiency - a trump appointee - was quoted recently: "in the South East of the country we are going to need additional warehouses soon; there are a hell of a lot of cards being sent to North Carolina".

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