16 September 2024

Blueprint Forty-Nine (Days To Election Day)

  •  de Joy is a trump plant. He has engineered changes to the United States Postal Service that make it unable to deliver on its time honored and always alluded to mission: "Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds". de Joy has added to that motto "unless it delivers ballots".
  • Springfield and the dog/cat eatin' Haitians (gets two toots on the donnie dog whistle - Black and French) is just a trial run. They - the trumpiacs - have already deployed the Proud Boys (what a weird and ridiculous name); the PBs currently patrol the streets of Springfield with guns brandished; they are on point; standing in and standing up, kinda like a broccoli field in the misty dawn - and Springfield's schools, colleges, universities and government agencies have all shut down, not wanting to be killed by donnie's MAGA moron minions. Read The Age of Insurrection by David Niewert for more.
  • No-result assassination attempts on the dildo have become events du jour. donnieLand needs more than invented dog and cat eating Haitians to bring the requisite amount of hate, violence and mayhem onto the streets. But they need to modulate - they don't want to bring the requisite amount of hate, violence and mayhem onto the streets too early, and, certainly, not too late; they want it to roll out late night 5 November 2024. To pursue that result, and that timing, they keep poking "the rest of us" with these fauxs assassinations. And it will take a lot of time to trace the paychecks of the perpetrators of these cute tricks back to donnie the dildo; by then it won't matter because:
  • Oath Keepers and others will stand down and stay faithful and be deployed as needed. That will be later. Right now, donnie and ol' JD only need to keep the pot frothing with Proud Boys and hordes of ad hoc volunteer MAGA morons. In the streets of Springfield. Ohio. 
  • But then:
  • The difference between Sudan and the United States of America will gradually dissolve.
  • That will be Endgame.
  • And we will have done it - the collapse of our lives - to ourselves.
  • Because, in the final analysis, we will have been just plug fucking stupid.
  • That does fit on the front of a red baseball cap, though.
  • My final thought is, what happened to all those people who used to live in Minneapolis, recently burned to the ground? So says the dildo.

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