13 September 2024

Q: The New 20s Model

Back in the teens a pristine purveyor of truth appeared upon the scene of our otherwise grey and listless lives.

His or her name was never known other than that the entity called itself Q.

Q's biggest revelation to the world - although there were many, and a greatest hit is hard to choose - has been to date "the pizza eatin' pedophiles".

The MAGA MORONS roared in hysterical approval.

Many of them became our Representatives in the House and members of the Senate based upon their endorsement of the truth of the pizza eatin' revelation..

As life has gone on for many or most of us, we have moved on to other myths, tales and Tik Toks to release us from the daily hum drum; Q has been pretty silent, passe even.

Now he has burst back on the scene like a superhero recently changed to work clothes in a phone booth and back on site and back on message.

Not only is "he" back - we now know his gender and identity; it's J. D. Vance peddling "dog and cat eating immigrants".

The MAGA MORONS are roaring in hysterical approval.

I can hardly wait to see who all rides the "pet eatin' Haitian" story to ever higher office.

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