27 December 2017

Browsing The Image Inventory

From Paris.

In 2015.

In November.

On the 13th I ate at La Citrouille which is my favorite restaurant in Paris.

Not the best by any means; just my favorite.

Next morning Facebook had lit up over night.

Everybody wanted to find out if I had survived the terrorist attacks of the night before.

I had.

I hadn’t even heard about it.

My neighborhood was spared.

That time.

I got a lot of good pictures in November 2015.

Here are a few of them.

paris parrot in le jardin des plantes 112215 00000

paris hotel de ville 112015 00000

paris parrot in le jardin des plantes 11815 00000

paris male pea fowl in bois de vincennes 110917 00000

paris blue heron at bois de boulogne 110715 00000

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