05 January 2018

Une Petite Bande Desinnée Pour Toute Le Monde

The logo on the first frame is Patriotic Christians for a Better America.

I have no idea who they are, and probably would not approve of them if I did; and that source explains the Biblical quotations.

Having said that, I think this is as funny as anything I have seen for quite a while.

bande dessinée 010518 00000

bande dessinée 010518 00001

bande dessinée 010518 00002

bande dessinée 010518 00003

bande dessinée 010518 00004

bande dessinée 010518 00005

bande dessinée 010518 00006

bande dessinée 010518 00007

bande dessinée 010518 00008

bande dessinée 010518 00009

bande dessinée 010518 00010

bande dessinée 010518 00011

More to come later.

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