Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Images For 21 July 2021

Rouen at Christmas time


Terns are the birds that appear from nowhere when you go down to the quai on the Seine with a sack of old bread cubes - with a boulangerie around the block, who would eat half day old bread? Not me.

I think I once knew who she is; I have forgotten now, but she does look kinda sad; she would like to ride the wheel.

A Paris starling taking a bath down by la Tour Eiffel

Pretty close to where Les Berges are today

Rue de Bucci after sunset

I take a lot of pictures of roses when I am in Paris.

Not far from Le Départ St Michel

This was in Parc Montsouris

Sometimes when my camera settings are not right I get images that are just right.  This was in Parc des Buttes Chaumont.

Somewhere around rue du Four this used to be. 

These things are works of art; I can't stop taking pictures of them.

Magpie and tree

The Seine

The Seine again

And yet again, the Seine

Looks like a thistle but it isn't.

Chickadee with a chestnut back

Looks like a thistle, and I hear tell, it is.

Documenting the morons

Avignon shop window

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