25 July 2021

More About The Effects Of The Tantrum

From Bloomberg News:

 "The U.S. is moving in the “wrong direction” in combating a new wave of Covid-19, and a booster vaccine shot may be needed especially for the most vulnerable, said Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert.

"He said new U.S. recommendations on masking for the vaccinated are under 'active consideration,' as the delta variant fuels a surge of infections around the nation. With half of the country still not fully vaccinated, the U.S. faces a worst-case scenario of daily deaths reaching 4,000, the same level as during last winter’s peak, he said.

"'I’m not sure if it would be the worst-case scenario but it’s not going to be good,' he said on CNN’s 'State of the Union.' 'We’re going in the wrong direction'.”

In the wake of those comments numerous republicans have gone on record with an identical statement, quoted here: "It's just a Fauci ouchie".

Ron Paul is calling for the destruction of vaccine manufacturing facilities in the United States, Canada and Mexico, saying "what better use of our all volunteer military than snuffing out rampant violations of freedom".

Ol' Mitch and the boys just sat staring into space and looking wise.

The rest of us checked our generator fuel.

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