13 August 2021

My Zoom Meeting Background

 Now that returning to deep lockdown appears to be imminent, I have decided that I need a background for what I assume will be endless zoom encounters.

In LockDown One I didn't have anything but whatever was behind me in the real world to highlight my impressive uniqueness when I met with people.

Since almost everything I stream is either classic news with multiple interviews (all beautifully backgrounded Zoom sessions) or pseudo news (Colbert, Kimmel and Meyers) with Zoom-like presentation by networks, I have developed a bad case of Zoom Background Envy; I especially admire the bookshelves that are frequently the chosen background.

Yesterday I decided to do something about that envy.

We have caches of books strewn around our lives - my wife and me - we even have a bedroom re-purposed to be a library.

So I decided that an almost full one of those caches, a bedroom etagere where new books have been  put as they have become read books would serve nicely.

Here it is.

Now all I have to do is figure out if Zoom allows user content.

If it does I am ready for LockDown Two.

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