13 March 2022

Coup du Monde?

 Putin has unleashed unfathomable horror on a sovereign nation and its people.

Because those people didn't all give up and immediately accept an illegitimate overlord, he has unleashed all the forms of mass destruction available for modern warfare on hospitals, churches, apartments and residential subdivisions, killing and maiming untold numbers.

And the worst is yet to come.

Because Ukraine is not going to give up.

They know Groszy is their imminent fate; but they don't care; they are going to fight.

The EU, NATO, the United States and Japan have been surprisingly united and have unleashed sanctions of a type that have brought Russia to an economic standstill: it's puny economy is punier today than it was ninety days ago.

And that has Putin in a corner.

So he has made vague nuclear threats based on the same justification he has used to get him in this mess in the first place.

But making Russia a 9th Century furs and shiny things barter economy can't hide the fact that Russia has immense numbers of nuclear delivery systems on alert for moments notice release.

So the EU and the United States and all the other members of the civilized world pussy foot around about any real - physical - action to stop Putin from doing to Kiev what he did to Grozny.

All he needs to do is growl about nuclear weapons and we don't do anything.

He isn't going to stop unless he is stopped.

Hitler didn't stop until we had gotten to Berlin and leveled it and the Soviet Army was prowling what was left of the streets looking for him; he shot himself in his bunker, was immolated with gasoline and all that's left is a jawbone in a cigar box.

Putin's doing a lot better.

He's calling all the shots.

And Ukraine is only the beginning.

I don't know what to do, but I know this aint it.

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