26 September 2022

A Florida Man Out Of Control To The Detriment Of All Of Us

 Back a while a trump wanna be look alike - ol' ronnie the dildo desantis - fellow sociopath with ol' donnie the dildo trump, got a great idea.

"I can do just like ol' greg and ol' doug are doing in their states.

"I can send a bunch of spicks to some 'sanctuary' locale in the North.

"What a great gambit.

"Gets me home free in the 2022 election and sets me up for the presidency in 2024.

"And the beauty part is Florida pays for it because I'm acting on 'illegals'.

"But I can't send any Florida illegals because we need them on the sugar cane and all that.

"The Florida Farm Bureau would crucify me.

"And there are too many strong Florida Venezuelan Americans who would not allow me to send their family members out of state.

"I guess I better go look somewhere else.

"Texas sounds good.

 So ronnie the dildo sent Perla the Blonde to San Antonio to pass out McDonalds gift cards to Venezuelans who were milling around here and there.

Ol' greg hadn't gotten around to putting them on busses yet.

She promised them, if they would get on her plane, that they would have jobs and their kids would have slots in school and they would all have English classes post haste and their American dream would commence directly.

And ronnie the dildo's blond recruiter - Perla - got a bunch of people on a plane.

The obvious question of why the governor of Florida thought he had any jurisdiction over "illegals" in Texas has never been asked.

Obvious stuff like that is outside our scope these days.

Probably just feed the fake news folks for another day.

If anybody were allowed to ask that question.

However, now that all of that is history, I was curious who paid for ronnie the dildo's campaign gambit.

I was pretty sure I would never know because the republican PACs are dark, dark, dark.

But when I Googled it, it was easy: the State of Florida ponied up $615,000 for the flight.

So the citizens of Florida have just paid over a half of a million dollars for an election campaign stunt by their governor: he recruited in a distant state some people who are legally in the United States - we did sign the Geneva Convention - and tricked them into getting on a plane to almost nowhere; and then crowed about it in a news conference to his mostly rube-based fellow Floridians.

Luckily for ronnie the dildo, his constituents like being screwed, so life goes on in Florida; but in any normal state ronnie would be asked to pay for his little fun campaign gambit.

Or in any hyper-normal state they might arrest him and put him in jail for malfeasance and high crimes and misdemeanors.  

But not in Florida.

So I am quite sure that they won't even ask who paid Perla.

Or what her function is in the desantis apparatus.

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