Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Just To Pick Two Black Women

At random. 

First, when I think about the accomplishments of Serena Williams, I join the rest of the human race 

- MAGGOTS need not apply - 

in admiration of the multifaceted nature of her accomplishments in sports and multiple other endeavors and the range of things that she finds interesting.

Most recently I became peripherally aware of an essay that she wrote for the magazine Vogue.

I say peripherally aware because I don't read Vogue so all I know about the essay is what I heard referred to about it in the - mostly - sports press.

It sounded cogent and intelligent and, maybe even, a sort of declaration of future intent, so that sounded good.

The press coverage died down and I promptly forgot about the essay and Vogue.

A week or so back I was standing in the checkout line at QFC, a Seattle based outpost of Kroger Corp.

As is my wont when standing in the checkout line I was perusing the tabloid periodicals and magazines on display at that point in the retail market spider web of buying opportunities; I never buy, but I get a lot of information each time I spend some time waiting to be next at the checkout conveyor.

After scanning the tabloids to see if Hillary Clinton had made any recent adoptions of space aliens my attention went to the magazines.

I saw a goddess in blue.

On the cover of Vogue.

I almost shouted out there in the checkout line of QFC:


But I didn't.


Second, tonight on the PBS Newshour they showed Sheryl Lee Ralph singing her acceptance speech for her Emmy for best supporting actor.


This time, since I was at home in my living room, I actually yelled it.

At volume.

I fully expect the neighbors to have called the police.

I'm known to be an unruly, probably senile, old man.

But the cops haven't come yet.

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