11 November 2015

At The Aquarium

Not the expensive one down by Trocadéro.

The five euro one over by Bois Vincennes.

I love the place.

It is my haven when it’s too rainy to walk for extended parts of the day.

Yesterday it was a place I could go and test my new camera for ability to take fish pictures.

That gave me the chance to not walk so much for a day and see if the hip that has decided not to function properly would settle down a little.

Maybe it did.

But I got some good pictures.

paris aquarium tropicale fish 111115 00000

paris aquarium tropicale fish 111115 00001

paris aquarium tropicale fish 111115 00002

paris aquarium tropicale fish 111115 00003

paris aquarium tropicale fish 111115 00007

paris aquarium tropicale fish 111115 00008

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